Hello! Today is a little look back on all the readings that I've completed this semester and discussing a few points in relation to them.
Looking Back:
Overall, I find some of the readings very interesting to read. They can offer a lot of insight into the amount of thought and work behind game development. This was also a small downside, as some of the terminologies, for example, was extremely complex and sometimes confusing. It took a lot to understand them fully.
My favorite part so far has been 'Game Fun'. Getting to see the psychology behind different players and how they experience fun in different ways was so interesting to me. You never really think about these things even though they're right in front of your face, so getting to learn about this was exciting.
Personally I, unfortunately, haven't made a lot of connections between the readings and my game. I've made some, but not a lot. Especially the likes of reading about MMO's. I did still enjoy them though!
When it comes to my project, I'm very happy with the end result that I'm steering towards, but my path getting there definitely wasn't the best. As I've discussed in a previous blog, I fell behind quite a lot and struggled to keep up the pace, but I've caught up now!
My biggest accomplishment in this class is being able to understand Unity and its function a lot more than I did for most of the semester. (But let's ignore C#). From reading my previous blogs, you could clearly see that I was struggling big-time with unity from the tutorials. I always managed to complete them but rarely ever understood what I was doing, which obviously isn't good when it comes to developing your own game. So I eventually decided to take a full 10 hour day dedicated to unity. I found different tutorials and followed them to practice and understand. I definitely made the right decision!
Looking Back:
Overall, I find some of the readings very interesting to read. They can offer a lot of insight into the amount of thought and work behind game development. This was also a small downside, as some of the terminologies, for example, was extremely complex and sometimes confusing. It took a lot to understand them fully.
My favorite part so far has been 'Game Fun'. Getting to see the psychology behind different players and how they experience fun in different ways was so interesting to me. You never really think about these things even though they're right in front of your face, so getting to learn about this was exciting.
Personally I, unfortunately, haven't made a lot of connections between the readings and my game. I've made some, but not a lot. Especially the likes of reading about MMO's. I did still enjoy them though!
When it comes to my project, I'm very happy with the end result that I'm steering towards, but my path getting there definitely wasn't the best. As I've discussed in a previous blog, I fell behind quite a lot and struggled to keep up the pace, but I've caught up now!
My biggest accomplishment in this class is being able to understand Unity and its function a lot more than I did for most of the semester. (But let's ignore C#). From reading my previous blogs, you could clearly see that I was struggling big-time with unity from the tutorials. I always managed to complete them but rarely ever understood what I was doing, which obviously isn't good when it comes to developing your own game. So I eventually decided to take a full 10 hour day dedicated to unity. I found different tutorials and followed them to practice and understand. I definitely made the right decision!
My own screenshot
This image would have to be my favorite because I'm proud to see my development in game design and being able to see the result of my hours and hours of hard work is really satisfying. It's not the most amazing game, but it is the representation of my skill set, which I still believe is quite impressive.
Looking Forward
In the future, in order to get more out of the reading assignments, I think that I need to do more of my own personal related research in order to understand it more. When reading and commenting on other people's readings, I found that I ended up learning and understanding more so getting somebody else's point of view on the subject topic could do me the world of good.
Also, reading the notes after publishing them!! The notes are made for a reason, and I haven't ever revised over them. Doing this will keep all of the information fresh in my head, even if it's just a light skim-over them.
Finally, with the remainder of the project, I want to make sure that I 100% understand what I'm doing before I actually do it, so then I can apply the techniques in my own unique way.
I'm really looking forward to progress!
BLC Blogging.
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