I personally found this particular topic extremely interesting to read about as criticism is a huge part of college and project work. We are constantly getting constructively criticized by each other and lecturers to get an external input and perspective on our work. We are also constantly giving constructive criticism (especially in this module with our weekly project feedback comments) so reading about it and learning to use it in the most useful way possible is extremely helpful.
Most People Aren't Good At Criticism
We usually find it hard to find a good way to comment on somebody's work. Some people are either too timid ("I like it!") and some are too outspoken (can lead to an argumentative result)
VALID AND UNBIASED FEEDBACK - tangible, credible, well-founded and free of individual taste
If you want good criticism, then:
1)focus on valid and unbiased feedback, and...
2)make your criticism clear, understandable and relevant.
(A) That logo design suck, who would pay for something like that?
(B) I hate red and green, why not use black and white instead?
(C) I can't read the text.
(A) The balloon font in the logo seems a bit too playful for your business, do you think a serif font might be a bit more suitable for your business?
(B) 10% of the male population has red-green color-blindness, you might want to ensure that your color scheme doesn't turn away potential customers.
(C) There isn't much contrast between the background and text color, and the font size is a bit small, so the text is difficult to read.
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