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BETA Things Have Happened In My Life.

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Unity Free Tutorials

Unity Free Tutorials This week has been an extremely busy week with deadlines. Unfortunately, due to other massive submissions in these last two weeks, I don't even have a minute spare to practice these tutorials or develop my project until the weekend. But, I have had just enough time to watch these tutorials and understand what is happening in them in order to implement them into my own game. I never even thought about these particular things until I was reading and commenting on other student's blog posts. I'm glad now, as it's just in time right before the end and they are obviously quite necessary in the development and functionality of a game. Main Menu Pause Menu The coding from both of these tutorials seems quite difficult, and I am positive that I can complete them both separately, but when it comes to implementing them both together in the same game, I'm so sure. Hopefully, it wil...

Games Testing

Criticism I personally found this particular topic extremely interesting to read about as criticism is a huge part of college and project work. We are constantly getting constructively criticized by each other and lecturers to get an external input and perspective on our work. We are also constantly giving constructive criticism (especially in this module with our weekly project feedback comments) so reading about it and learning to use it in the most useful way possible is extremely helpful. Most People Aren't Good At Criticism We usually find it hard to find a good way to comment on somebody's work. Some people are either too timid ("I like it!") and some are too outspoken (can lead to an argumentative result) Constructive Criticism offers valid feedback both positive and negative. Giving constructive criticism can lend much-needed assistance to an individual by giving them feedback on things that can be improved or issues that can be avoided. VALID...

Tech Tip: Blog Profile

So, for a Tech Task this week, I decided to add a small 'About me' in the sidebar of my blog, where viewers access the labels, etc. My Own Screenshot This is now what the blog's sidebar looks like. It isn't a huge change but I thought it was a nice little feature to have so that viewers don't have to go all the way to my introduction post to find some information about me.

Unity Free Tutorial

1. So, first of all, this tutorial that I decided to follow was a tutorial called 'moving objects to specific places'. I came up with this idea from a comment that I received on a blog post of my Alpha. The commenter stated that it might be a good idea to implement moving obstacles into the maze to make the levels a bit more exciting as you progress. I thought this was a great idea, so I practiced a tutorial and now (while I have a week off of a project upload) I hope to introduce the same technique into the game in some parts. (Screenshot) The tutorial shows how to make an object bounce from one place to another. 2. The second tutorial will be repeated from my previous post. I included three tutorials previously, underestimated the workload, and never got the complete the timer into my game. So this has been repeated in order to refresh my memory and get it into the game as soon as I can.

Game Stories

This week's readings are introduced with a little bit of an introductory mentioning that up until this point, we have discussed games as systems with sets of rules. From now on, we will be looking at an emotional, story side to games. This was really exciting to read as understanding why something like a game can be so memorable, is extremely interesting. Unfortunately, the first two provided links didn't go to the related readings, so I had a look at the additional ones instead; "Stories and Games". The author states three reasons as to why "Can games be art?" discussion as part of their specific syllabus: 1. The author wants to make it clear that fun is not the only purpose of game design, and some might think this. They state that some games have received good critiques even though they are not necessarily 'fun'. 2. 'Can games be art?' is a huge debate that has been circulating throughout game design for a long time, so they want...


So, I've managed to complete the three levels that I hoped to complete. I have added a skybox to the levels also, and have changed the color of the text on-screen (the coin-counter) from black to white, as the black text blended in with the background. My Own Screenshot Of The Updated First Level One issue I'm having is with the materials and textures. I have no idea what's happening with them. All materials are now showing up as the default plain white (they have a pink hue in the screenshot due to the skybox), and it won't allow me to add the textures or materials that I intended to use, and that were used in my first playable. Also, when you play the game, and progress to another level, this happens: My Own Screenshot Of Level 2 For some reason, the hue then changes to kind of a beige color. This only happens when you begin on a certain level and progress to another one during gameplay. If I were to begin gameplay on Level 2, for exampl...